Sunday, January 31, 2010


Knitting Instructions (the actual stitch part, at least) from The Yarn Co. rock. I can't insure their slip-knot or casting on, because I haven't tried them. But they really helped me.

Who taught you to knit?
Or did you teach yourself?
How the hell did you teach yourself? Really? Really?! It's nearly impossible. That would mean that you just took needles and yarn and made a freaking sweater without and prior knowledge of how you're supposed to do it.

If you can't tell, I hate it when people claim to be self-taught.

No, a book taught you. The INTERNET taught me.

A song, or music in general taught you. Just because a person didn't directly teach you doesn't mean that you completely pulled it out of your butt.

This, of course, does not apply to the genius who invented knitting.
And if you really want to claim that you are self-taught, I'd like to see a picture of that sweater.

Thank you!
(I also do not want to hear stories of how your child prodigies taught themselves guitar/piano. Really? Because I think that this would mean they never heard music or saw someone play guitar/piano, or looked up chord progressions. Which I bet they did all three of. Simply put, hundreds of thousands of people taught them)

Oh, yeah. I'm writing a blog about knitting. Sorry.

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