Monday, February 8, 2010


I tend to search youtube for various adventures. Recently, I came across a chubby young girl who "sings" and dances along with her favorite hit songs. She has to be somewhere in the 11-13 range.

Initially, I laughed. How ridiculous. Why would anyone post such a hilarious video of themselves for 5 million people to laugh at.

I then realized it was me.
And you.
Anyone that had listened to a song, and just danced everything out.

Believe me, I'm not a dancer. I dance for show choir because I have to. But I'm awful (truly) and this is what I look like when I'm at home, listening to the cab like an idiot.

Back to the video: The girl had eliminated commenting on her video. I understood why. Most people would post a cruel comment that's sole purpose what to tear down her young frame. I could only imagine what people were saying. So, clicked on her profile and scrolled down to see her comments.
About 80% of the comments shown were simply rude. They mocked her figure, called her an idiot, said that she was a transvestite. Again, let me reiterate that this is only a young girl. I began scrolling up, and found that she had nearly 19 million views on all of her videos. Many of these were most likely office spam, "dude this video is hilarious."

And then I realized that she had 21 videos. She kept making them, despite the nearly constant ridicule.

Am I the only one who wishes she had the confidence to do this?

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